Climate Jogging mit Svavar Knútur
Joggen für den guten Zweck
Der Isländer joggt mit euch zusammen für die Umwelt! Jogging for Reforestation! Pro Km spendet jede/r TeilnemhmerIn 1 Euro. Macht alle mit und seid beim lustigen Lauf mit anschließendem Cool-Down dabei.
"In 14 cities on my upcoming “Second bell” tour, I will meet with willing friends and fans for a light 5-10 Km jog around a park or a neighbourhood. I will pledge one euro per km, and I will ask my fellow joggers to do the same. All the pledges will then go into a German initiative for reforestation, wherever it's needed. This will be a perfect way to keep healthy, engage with you guys in a productive way and be environmentally responsible while touring. " Svavar Knútur
Anmeldung online: Climate Jogging
TREFFPUNKT: An der Kasse
"In 14 cities on my upcoming “Second bell” tour, I will meet with willing friends and fans for a light 5-10 Km jog around a park or a neighbourhood. I will pledge one euro per km, and I will ask my fellow joggers to do the same. All the pledges will then go into a German initiative for reforestation, wherever it's needed. This will be a perfect way to keep healthy, engage with you guys in a productive way and be environmentally responsible while touring. " Svavar Knútur
Anmeldung online: Climate Jogging
TREFFPUNKT: An der Kasse