Nassplattenfotografie with Martin Dietsch
Experience a fascinating journey through time to the beginnings of photography
Martin Diesch is a true artist who is a master of old photography techniques. His special talent lies in wet plate photography, a historic process dating back to the mid-19th century.
Instead of modern digital cameras and high-resolution sensors, he uses antique wooden cameras, a mobile darkroom, and handmade plates that he prepares directly on location. This process gives his images a timeless charm and unique aesthetic.
The result of this elaborate procedure is breathtaking: a handmade portrait that captures the personality and soul of the model in a unique way. Each image is unique and cannot be reproduced, possessing an incomparable allure and timeless beauty.
Immerse yourself in the world of wet plate photography, have your portrait taken on location and be inspired by the timeless beauty of this ancient art form.
A small fee will be charged for the effort.