Anna Lott
Adventures at the Guinea Pig Hotel
When their owners go on vacation, Moppi and Möhre have to visit the guinea pig hotel. But the pain of farewell quickly subsides because here, life is bliss: they are spoilt with cucumber ice cubes and dandelion milk, their hay beds are cuddly and warm, and the buffet is only a slide away. And then there are Elvis, Schäfi, Grufti, and Nacki, with whom they have quite an adventurous time. But when Schäfi falls into the hotel pool - with no floaties on - things get a little too exciting for Moppi und Möhre …
An interactive reading with horticulturist, clown, and screenwriter Anna Tollkötter, who has studied dramatics, literature and education. After a traineeship at Radio Bremen, she worked as an editor and still regularly presents children's literature on the radio. Since 2014, she has been a dedicated writer of children's stories for television, radio, print and digital media.
With the friendly assistance of Carlsen Verlag