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NORDEN - the nordic arts festival

Aminata Touré

Wir können mehr sein. Die Macht der Vielfalt.

Aminata Touré's parents fled Mali in 1992, shortly before she was born. She spent the first years of her life in a shelter for refugees. Today, she is vice president of the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament. In her book Wir können mehr sein. Die Macht der Vielfalt (Kiepenheuer & Witsch), which she will present at the opening of the festival, she talks about growing up as a black woman in a society that still has trouble recognizing its racism, but also about the path to politics, successes and failures, and what politics can be at its best. The book is also a call to young and diverse people to go into the institutions to change politics and coexistence in a sustainable way.

Moderated by Chris Poelmann.

Aminata Touré, born in 1992, grew up in Neumünster and joined the Green Youth in 2012. She has been a member of the state parliament in Schleswig-Holstein since 2017 and vice president of the parliament since 2019. In her parliamentary group, she is spokesperson for the topics of migration, anti-racism and equality, among others.
Aminata Touré
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