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NORDEN - the nordic arts festival


Maja und Marietta aus dem großen, bunten Haus

Most of the time, Maja is glad that she has a little sister. No one else is as good at playing pranks, sneaking cakes at night, or earning a trillion dollars at the flea market. But when Marietta secretly does Maja's doll's hair or breaks her dragon pony, Maja can get really angry. Then she sometimes tells her sister stories that aren't true at all. That a monster lives on the 10th floor or that her parents bought Marietta at the supermarket. But Marietta gets to the bottom of things - and in the end there's always something to laugh about.

Bremen author Anna Lott reads from Maja und Marietta aus dem großen, bunten Haus (Carlsen Verlag) - after the success of Moppi und Möhre. Abenteuer im Meerschweinchenhotel her new book.  Ages 5 and up.

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