Barrierfree Sustainability Newsletter - - - - -

NORDEN - the nordic arts festival


On two wheels alone to the North Cape and around the Baltic Sea

Stranded in Lapland, at four degrees all alone under dripping trees and with only a lukewarm shower - how do you stay in a good mood? Author Angelika Wilke tells of this and other adventures on her 5400-kilometer bike tour with exciting pictures and texts from her book Trotzdem aufbrechen.

The three children are grown up - if not now, then when to take the big break! Single-handedly, the cycling nomad travels through a total of nine countries to Europe's northern tip and back.
Mountain passes, huge forests, fjords, tunnels and islands accompany the long-distance cyclist on her way. Beyond the age of 50, she embarks on an undertaking that she originally didn't think she could handle - and in the process learns a lot of new things about herself - and also about her fellow human beings.
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