Kati wants to become a grandfather
Kati knows what she wants to be: a grandfather. Narrated by Signe Viška, illustrated by Elīna Brasliņa. The reading will be enriched by an exciting workshop entitled "Grandpa in the Matchbox".
Why does Kati want to become a grandfather?
Quote: "Grandfathers are never, ever in a hurry. They wear a white cloud on their heads and push the days ahead of them as they please."
Now Kati has many ideas and notions to become like her grandpa on the outside as well. Kati appropriates what belongs to her grandfather: big hands for playing the accordion or matches and candies in her jacket pocket. She also manages to have as much time as grandpa. Only - how does she get white cloud hair? Kati immediately sticks absorbent cotton in her cap. And soon the two grandfathers are sitting together at the table doing grandfatherly things like drinking milk.
Grandpa in the Matchbox" workshop
Because there is a picture of all the little grandpas in the book, including one who crawled into the matchbox, and so of course matchboxes play a big part in the story!!!!
To do this, prepare small, empty matchboxes and then also cut small pieces of paper to the size of the matchbox so that the children can draw small portraits of their grandparents and give their grandparents the matchbox with the portraits. For example, they can write a nice message to their grandfather on one of the slips of paper and draw some of their "grandfather things" on another slip of paper, etc. Whatever comes to your mind. And on one of the slips of paper it can draw a special label for the matchbox and stick it on top.
And the homemade gift, prepared with love, is ready!