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NORDEN - the nordic arts festival


One of the most traditional film festivals in the world.

The Nordic Film Days Lübeck, first organized by the Lübeck Film Club in 1956 and taken over by the city in 1971, are among the most traditional film festivals in the world. They are the only festival in Germany and in Europe that specializes entirely in presenting films from the north and northeast of the continent.
Every year, for five days at the beginning of November, the latest feature films, documentaries and short films from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden are presented here.

Seen in the light
A film about seeing and being seen
Five years ago Ingmar Licht started buying up book estates. Before that, a lot of things went wrong in his life. Alcohol, bankruptcy, unemployment. He collected returnable bottles, used the money to buy a computer and started his book business. His great passion are the shopping lists, photos, letters, etc., used as bookmarks, which the former owners left behind in the books.

A life at sea
The Büsumer Krabbenkutter Damkerort and its crew. For Heiko and the crew, life at sea means freedom from the social norm. For each other, they form a second family while the first waits for them on land. The work requires tough life choices. But the nets remain empty more and more often and the business is no longer profitable.
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