NORDEN Freundeskreis e. V.
The NORDEN Freundeskreis e. V. has set itself the goal of promoting current artists and cultural workers from the region and Northern Europe. The association facilitates an exciting cultural program. Special readings, theater and film performances, art exhibitions and musical events are only made possible by the financial commitment of the Freundeskreis.
All members:inside receive the following benefits annually:
- The opportunity to have two early-bird tickets sent to their home by invoice.
No need to pick up the tickets at the Liesegang bookstore, and no advance booking fees.
- Invitation to a special event at the NORDEN Festival (Meet and Greet)
- 20 % discount on all merchandising articles
- Exclusive festival pin
In addition, the NORDEN Festival team organizes an indoor event in winter, a mix of music and literature. Members of the Circle of Friends receive free admission.

NORDEN Freundeskreis e.V. in Gründung – Suadicanistraße 1 – 24837 Schleswig
Vorläufige Tel. 040 41469606 – Vorläufige Email: